Time Strategies

After reviewing my previous planned schedule, I had decided to maybe decrease my workloads on Sunday and spread some of the work onto Wednesday. Hopefully this new arrangement will work better for me as opposed to having 4 hours of work to do in one day. When it comes to time management, I have found that a weekly calendar is the most helpful for me because it allows me to see all of my tasks at one time, instead of having to think of them in my head. The first article that I had read, Four Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination, the piece of information that I had found the most helpful was when it talked about what to do to find simple solutions to big challenges. The example that was used was to workout 10 minutes a day and build up the amount of time instead of planning on working out for an hour, but not doing it because other tasks took priority. I feel as though if I implemented this strategy, I would be able to slowly but surely be able to accomplish all tasks I had planned for the day in an orderly fashion. The second article I read, The Psychology of Checklists, helped me realize that when I have a big goal approaching I need to first break it down into smaller, more doable tasks. The article states that by breaking up the assignment, it helps keeps us motivated and positive throughout the process, which I feel would greatly decrease my stress levels throughout the semester.

Source: Pexels 
