Reading Notes: Week 2 Anthology

What had initially grabbed my attention about "The Monkey who Gathered Lotuses" by Robert Chalmers, was the mentioning of the lotus flower. In my previous blog I had mentioned that I watched a video on the Symbols of Divinity. Therefore, I thought that it was interesting that the story had mentioned them because it immediately connected my mind to a divine being, in this case the Buddha. After reading the story, what I found was that the title had made an excellent indicator as to what the story would be about. When Bodhisatta was sent to the lake where the ogre resided, I already knew that he would make it out alive from the title alone. In addition to that, I liked how his "marvelous strength" was constantly showcased within the story. While I feel as though I knew what would happen throughout the story, I think that the author did an excellent job at introducing new ways to challenge the protagonist. Another thing that I had enjoyed about Chalmers writing style was that he provided just as much backstory on the antagonist as he did for the protagonist. I feel that by doing that it creates a better story that the reader can dive into.

Lotus Flower
Source: Pixabay
